Antonio Meneghetti awarded the decoration of the Humanities and Arts Academies Federation

“Politics as a humanistic function on the territory” was the topic of the conference held by the Acc. Prof. Antonio Meneghetti on 16th May in Sao Paulo. The event was promoted by FOIL Brazil in cooperation with the Antonio Meneghetti Faculty, Performance Leader magazine and the Brazilian Ontopsychology Association. In the occasion of the event Prof. Antonio Meneghetti was awarded the “Comenda do Mérito Anhanguera”, decoration by the Honourable Council of the Merits Order of the Accademies of Humanities and Arts Federation of the São Paulo state, which gathers culture and art entities as well as history and geography institutes of the region. The “Comenda do Mérito Anhanguera” is awarded to personalities standing out in Brazil for their contribution in the fields of art and culture.
“Since his very first official visit of Brazil” – said Ari Foletto, businessman and president of the Brazilian Ontopsychology Association – “the Professor Antonio Meneghetti has been enhancing, promoting and preserving, through all his activities, the Brazilian art and culture. The projects on the Brazilian soil, born thanks to his initiative, are managed today by Brazilians and are gaining international acknowledgements”.