The former Brazilian Agriculture Minister presides the opening conference of new courses

The former Brazilian Agriculture Minister presides the opening conference of the new MBA courses at the Antonio Meneghetti Faculty.
Another great event at the Antonio Meneghetti Faculty in Brazil. On 29 May, the auditorium of the Faculty hosted the opening conference of the new MBA courses “Business Intuition & Agribusiness” and “Business Intuition – Entrepreneurial Identity” with the attendance of a special guest, the former Agriculture Minister Alysson Paulinelli, who gave a speech entitled Brazil, the world’s greatest granary.
“It’s a very strong expression” – Paulinelli underlined – “do not think that Barack Obama went to our country attracted by our President’s beautiful eyes. Obama knows that the heart of our country is very competent and intelligent, able to produce and be competitive and highly sustainable. Nowadays, it is precisely Latin America and Africa who’s able to take up the task of producing food for the ravenous world. In Latin America, more than 50% of all production is in the Brazilian hands. Our agribusiness is very strong and has been innovating and dominating the market”.
The complete news published on 06/05/2001 in the Brazilian newspaper Integração